Research Supervision
Doctoral Students and their Dissertations
I have supervised doctoral students specializing in fields such as nature-based carbon capture, ecotourism, biodiversity conservation, and applications of technology 4.0 for sustainability. Our multidisciplinary approach combines traditional methods with big-data technologies to tackle environmental challenges through nature-based solutions. Together, our doctoral students delve into innovative approaches, advancing our understanding of human-environment interactions and contributing to sustainable practices. Through my guidance and their impactful research efforts, we pave the way for a better future towards a sustainable and decarbonized society.
Featured Articles with Impact Factor > 10
Predicting carbon emissions, emissions reductions, and carbon removal due to deforestation and plantation forests in Southeast Asia
Sasaki et al. (2021) in Journal of Cleaner Production
Impacts of droughts and floods on croplands and crop production in Southeast Asia – An application of Google Earth Engine
Venkatappa et al. (2021) in Science of The Total Environment
Doctoral Supervision (as chair)
Accounting for Forest Carbon Stocks in Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka using Google Earth Engine – Implications for Carbon-based Incentives. Paper 1 | Paper 2 | Paper 3
This study addresses carbon accounting challenges in Sri Lanka and proposes an innovative approach using phenology-based threshold classification and satellite imagery analysis to estimate forest carbon stocks and changes. Results indicate an annual gain of 3.62% in open forests but a 0.3% loss in dry monsoon forests. The established subnational Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) is 155,187.9 MgCO2 yr-1 for the Paris Agreement period. Potential carbon revenues under the agreement range from USD 7.3 - 87.5 million depending on chosen on carbon prices. Qualitative comparative analysis identifies conditions such as deforestation pressure, funds for performance-based activities, and ongoing policy shifts as sufficient for result-based payments. The study provides insights for implementing REDD+ in Sri Lanka, contributing to economic development and climate change mitigation.
14. SHENGYUE MIAO (May 2023)
Assessment of Park Configuration and Utilisation In Bangkok: Investigating The Relationship Between Park Characteristics, Facilities, Problems and Physical Activity Of Park Visitors. Paper 1
This dissertation evaluates the layout and management of parks in Bangkok and their impact on physical activity of urban population. The study reveals that parks with larger sizes and amenities have higher scores, and amenities like sports areas and fitness areas have positive impact on physical activity. The study recommends practical solutions for park managers to improve facilities and enhance safety for females and minorities, and investment in small parks can increase MVPA.
13. SUPATTRA YAMSRUAL (December 2019)
Assessment of Local Perception on Eco-Industrial Estate Performances in Thailand. Paper 1 in Environmental Development
Estimation of Land Availability for Forest Restoration and Smart Agriculture using Google Earth Engine - A Case Study in Siem Reap Province. Graduated in December 2019. Paper 1 | Paper 2 | Paper 3 | Paper 4 | Additional Paper
The Effects of Green Seaweed Caulerpa lentillifera Culture on Water Quality in Aquatic Environment - Implication for Wastewater Treatment. Paper 1 | Paper 2
10. SOBIA ASGHAR (December 2018)
Dissertation: Analysis of Irrigation Service Quality and Production Efficiency of Farmers in Central Punjab, Pakistan. Paper 1 | Paper 2
Role of Indigenous Beliefs in the Management of Wetland Resource in Lower Songkhram River Basin, Thailand. Paper
8. BHOJ RAJ GHIMIRE (co-chair, December 2018)
Mapping of Shorea robusta Forest using Time Series MODIS Data - Implications for Sub-National Forest Carbon Monitoring in Nepal. Paper
Sustainable livelihood under agriculture-based traditional knowledge and technology for water management in Chaiyaphum province, Thailand. Paper
6. CHENG QIAN (May 2017)
Comparative analysis on effects of different institutional arrangements on rural-tourism development in China - Case study in Huangshan Mountain Area. Paper 1 | Paper 2
5. Md. SHARIFUL ALAM (May 2017)
Polder Management and Livelihood Adaptation in Coastal Bangladesh: A Study on Policy and Institutions. Paper in Environmental Development
4. SOMANTA CHAN (September 2016)
Estimation of Carbon Emission Reductions and Costs for Reducing Local Dependency on Fuelwood Consumption in Cambodia. Paper 1 | Paper 2
3. KHUN VATHANA (March 2015)
Assessment of Forest Carbon Balance in Southeast Asia. Paper 1 | Paper 2
2. SENGTHA CHAY (September 2011)
Using Online ICT Applications to Assess Public Responses to Climate Change Mitigation Measures. Paper 1 | Paper 2
1. 江藤 寛子 (HIROKO ETOH) (March 2010)
(Promotion Policies and Financial Analysis of Woody Biomass Utilization in Japan.) Paper 1 日本森林学会誌 | Paper 2
Ongoing Doctoral Students
Punnatut Kangrang
Masudul Alam
Rohit Adhikari