Master Students and Thesis
Master Students
My students have embarked on groundbreaking research projects focused on nature-based carbon capture, ecotourism, biodiversity conservation, and other related areas. These talented individuals have harnessed both conventional research methods and cutting-edge big-data technologies to unravel complex environmental challenges. Their collective efforts have yielded innovative solutions, deepening our understanding of the intricate connections between humans and the natural world. My students have made significant contributions to advancing knowledge and shaping a more sustainable future for all. Here are their works.
Estimation of Carbon Storage in Teak Plantation for One Management Cycle: Implications for Carbon-based Incentives
Pinyarat Chayaporn (Thailand), graduated in May 2018
Paper published in Cleaner Environmental Systems
Management of Forest Plantations for Bioenergy, Timber and Carbon Production in Myanmar - Implication for Carbon-Based Financial Incentives
Yadanar Myint (Myanmar), graduated in May 2021.
Paper published in Cleaner Environmental Systems
Graduated Master Students
38. Panchanok Prakobsuk
Youth’s Perception Of Urban Farming: A Case Study Of Thammasat University’s Rooftop Garden In Thailand
37. Tinnagorn Petsungnoen (Thailand)
Farmers' Perceptions And Willingness-To-Pay For Forest Stewardship Council Certification: A Case Study Of Rubber Farmers In Bueng Kan Province, Thailand
36. Win Htun (Myanmar)
Assessing Attitudes Toward Nature-Based Solutions For Carbon Capture Among Faculty Members, Students, And Staff Members At The Asian Institute Of Technology In Thailand
35. Raksmey Phal (Cambodia)
Assessment Of Carbon Balance Through Nature–Based Solutions At The Ait Campus – Contribution Of Forestry To Net-Zero Emissions.
A journal paper is under reviews.
34. Madison L. Cason (USA)
Local Perceptions of NbS Practices and Ecological and Social Resilience in Mountainous Communities of Chiang Mai, Thailand
December 2023 Graduation.
33. Takayoshi Machida (Japan)
Integrated Farming Transformation In Takeo And Kampong Chhnang Provinces, Cambodia
May 2023 Graduation.
32. Kyalima Khanal (Nepal)
Assessment of Tree Carbon Measurements Obtained using Smart-Phone, Drone and Conventional Methods. May 2022 Graduation.
July 2022 Graduation.
31. Wirawee Linsuwanon (Thailand)
Dependency of Livelihoods on Riverine Ecosystem Services in the Peri-Urbanizing Bangkok Metropolitan Region: A Case Study of Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province
July 2022 Graduation.
30. Suvekchhya Tuladhar (Nepal)
Potential Carbon Removals and Timber Production through Forest Restoration in Thailand under NYDF and Beyond.
May 2022 Graduation.
29. Theethat Rangkasiri (Thailand)
Development of the climate finance platform for improving crop burning practice: Implications for token-based carbon trading
May 2022 Graduation
28. Yadanar Myint (Myanmar)
Management of Forest Plantations for Bioenergy, Timber and Carbon Production in Myanmar - Implication for Carbon-Based Financial Incentives
May 2021 Graduation. Paper published in Cleaner Environmental Systems
27. Karuna Budhathoki (Nepal)
Effects of Logging Ban on Forest Cover and Carbon Stock Changes in Cambodia –Application of Google Earth Engine and Remote Sensing Technologies.
May 2021 Graduation
26. Methawee Pakilakhe
Assessment of the Sustainability Practices of the Energy Company Group in Response to Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Bangchak Corporation.
May 2021 Graduation
25. Megha Bajaj (Nepal)
Detecting Mangrove Forest Cover and Carbon Stock Changes in the Lower Mekong Region Using Google Earth Engine
July 2020 Graduation
24. Nurul Pertiwi (Indonesia)
Appropriate Conservation of Indonesian Peatlands through the Pricing of Full Ecosystem Services
May 2020 Graduation
23. Rifath Naeem (Maldives)
Random Forest Classification for Seagrass Mapping Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform in Hithadhoo, Addu Atoll, Maldives
May 2020 Graduation
22. Analiza Cruzat Diaz (Philippines)
Assessment of Local Farmers' Willingness to Adopt a Mobile App in the Marketing of Bamboo Products: The Case of Maasin in Iloilo, Philippines (Bamboost Founder)
May 2020 Graduation
Paper published in Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances
21. Phyo Ei Hlaing (Myanmar)
Carbon Sequestration Through Restoration of Degraded Forests by Three Native Species: A Case Study of Sagaing Region in Myanmar
May 2019 Graduation
20. Oum Somaly (Cambodia)
Changes of River Water Level and Downstream Local Livelihood Affected by Forest Cover Changes in Phnom Kulen National Park, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia
May 2019 Graduation
Paper published in International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development
19. Durga Karki (Nepal)
Natural Regeneration and Management Cost of Shorea robusta Forest in Terai Region, Nepal
May 2019 Graduation
18. Sanga Rinzin (Bhutan)
Valuation of Recreational Services of the Royal Botanical Park in Lampelri, Bhutan Using Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Methods.
May 2018 Graduation
17. Sutida Rumphoei (Thailand)
Conservation of Mangrove Forest for Offsetting Carbon Emissions from the Krabi Power Plant in Thailand
May 2018 Graduation
16. Narges Teimoory
Estimation of Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in Afghanistan: Implication for the Establishment of a Forest Reference Emission Level.
May 2018 Graduation
Paper published in Cleaner Production Letters
15. Sokna Kry (Cambodia)
Local Perception toward Ecotourism Development in Kampong Phluk Community, Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia
May 2018 Graduation (now at Duke University)
Paper published in Tourism Management Perspectives.
14. Pinyarat Chayaporn (Thailand)
Estimation of Carbon Storage in Teak Plantation for One Management Cycle: Implications for Carbon-based Incentives
May 2018 Graduation
Paper published in Cleaner Environmental Systems
13. Thanyalak Ratanadilok Phuket (Thailand)
Local Community Participation in Ecotourism: A Case Study of Khlong Khone Mangroves in Samut Songkhram Province, Thailand
December 2018 Graduation
12. Pronphan Pathase (Thailand)
Assessment of Local Understanding of Provisioning Services from Agroforestry Practices: A Case Study in Borabue District of Maha Sarakham Province
May 2017 Graduation
11. Asmita Poudel (Nepal)
Variation of Carbon Stock in Oak Forest: A Case Study of Panchase Conservation Area, Nepal
May 2017 Graduation
Paper published in Global Ecology and Conservation
10. Vasan Narang (Thailand)
Management University Campus Forest for Climate Change Mitigation: A Case Study of the AIT Campus
May 2017 Graduation
9. Kanjana Bunviboolvat (Thailand)
Estimation of Carbon-Based Incentives for Early Action Measures in Thailand's Forest Sector
May 2017 Graduation
8. Wu Szu-Kuang (Taiwan)
Managing University Campus Land for Bioenergy Production: A Case Study of AIT Campus
May 2017 Graduation
7. Usa Cherdchoo (Thailand)
An Evaluation of Carbon-Based Financial Incentives in Community Forest Management: A Case Study of Ban Nong Mek Pattana Community Forest
May 2017 Graduation
6. Chan Somanta (Cambodia)
Accounting for Carbon Emissions from Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Phnom Tbeng Forests
March 2013 Graduation
5. 石野 慈雨 (Japan)
Life-Cycle Assessment of Carbon Fluxes in Managed and Unmanaged Forest Stands
September 2010 Graduation
4. 江藤 寛子 (Japan)
兵庫県における木質バイオマス資源の利用可能量に関する研究- 現状と展望 -2007年3月修了 (Assessment of Forest Biomass in the Hyogo Prefecture – Present and Prospect)
March 2007 Graduation
3. 瀬良 達弥 (Japan)
(Impact of Illegal Logging on Forest Carbon Stocks in Cambodia)
March 2007 Graduation
2. 孫 勝昔 (China)
(Trends of Forest Carbon Stocks in Japan)
March 2007 Graduation
1. 殿井 一宏 (Japan)
(Assessment of Forest Carbon Stocks in the Hyogo Prefecture)
March 2006 Graduation
Peer-reviewed papers from the thesis
Local Perception toward Ecotourism Development in Kampong Phluk Community, Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia
Sokna Kry (Cambodia), graduated in May 2018
Paper published in Tourism Management Perspectives
Appropriate Conservation of Indonesian Peatlands through the Pricing of Full Ecosystem Services
Nurul Pertiwi (Indonesia), graduated in May 2020
Paper published in Nature-based Solutions
Estimation of Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in Afghanistan: Implication for the Establishment of a Forest Reference Emission Level
Narges Teimoory (Afghanistan )
Paper published in Cleaner Production Letters
Assessment of Local Farmers' Willingness to Adopt a Mobile App in the Marketing of Bamboo Products: The Case of Maasin in Iloilo, Philippines
Analiza Cruzat Diaz (Philippines) and Bamboost Founder
Paper published in Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances (Citescore 10.6)
Ongoing Master Students
Raksmey Phal
Win Htun
Tinnagorn Petsungnoen
Panchanok Prakobsuk
Supawadee Srimongkol